maandag 28 mei 2012

Crystal Skulls

Crystal skulls have their origin at the time of Lemuria and Atlantis and had the purpose to establish a connection with thirteen souls from an earlier parallel universe, to remind mankind of our evolutionary mandate. Once these thirteen souls from an older parallel universe inspired man to make a circle of twelve crystal skulls and a 13th in the middle to enable them to receive back their energies. It was an attempt to continue the road to unification. If we want to find the reference for Unity, we must tap into our Higher Self which is in that older parallel universe. Now, just before 2012, we are again reminded of this assignment.

Shamans and elders of various indigenous tribes around the world know much about crystal skulls. They see the skulls as very sacred. They are convinced that the crystal skulls are the keys to the future of humanity and are an integral part of the predictions of their ancestors. Crystal skulls are also deemed to be related with people inside the earth. It is also assumed that the 13 skulls contain the principal genetic codes of the twelve, inner earth tribes and that the 13th central skull relates to the family of these tribes.

These skulls are not just here for old knowledge and Wisdom to be shared with us, but also to help us awaken our race to higher spiritual laws and a complete understanding of our Self. Also according to Indian legend, there are 13 ancient crystal skulls, which would contain important information about the origin and future of the human race and the cosmos. It is said that also the Essenes would have possessed such a crystal skull.

These original first thirteen crystal skulls, are also called holographic information centers and represent all twelve human characters. The skulls only radiate what they are; a character! An nature. A vibration. Each one of the twelve characters that form the basis of all creation. Twelve characters as described in astrology and the esoteric, the foundations of our universe, the stars and mankind!

They are the basis of the many thousands of duplicates made later. But, as in our universe, then reigned division during Atlantis on Earth, and the ego aspect of man since the days of Atlantis eventually led souls from our own universe to use the mass-produced crystal skulls for their own (ego) information transmission

Unlike the pure crystal skulls which acted as a database, which enabled the original carrier to connect to important information from his or her Higher Self, to be available to others as a reference. As the old crystal skulls functioned as a "medium" between the wearer and his or another Higher Self, could also new crystal skull be used in this function. Ultimately it is the intention for every soul on Earth to connect with the Higher Self. This may be done by using these crystal skulls

"The last pure high priests met for the very last time and joined forces, and made the earth tilt, shifting the poles. Which led to flooding almost the whole earth by water. The high priests and some exceptions have been spared. Thereafter, each priest took his own crystal skull and hided it so that lateron their abuse would be no longer possible. In time due the skulls would be brought back up in order to save mankind again for his mistakes, and to give back the right knowledge. "

Adra Ain, sept 2010

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