maandag 28 mei 2012

The Portal of Antarctica

The portal of Antartica is connected to other planetary grid systems. Antartica is a connection place from many more grids who embrace the earth (there is more than one grid around the earth.) And also it is a connection place with other planetaire grids, so there is a important connection from Antartica with the grids of other planets. Travelling from here to others planets on a etheric level is much more easy now this portal is opened. Probably there will also here be a connection from here to the new altantis.  

The energy of the portal in Antartica makes it more clear for us, what the history of the earth is about. And to better understand what extraterrestial beings are, and to guide us with clear information about this thing so that we better understand, who these extraterrestials are and where we come from, and whether we have to fear them or not, and that we all have our own evolution.

When we were there on a soultravel on Antarctica, everything was so beautifull, and there was absolutely no place for fear. It was nice cold, and lovely warm together. We felt a deeper understanding with everything. The place also learns us more about evolution and life itselfs. (The pictures of the animals who live under the ice of antartica, also reveal to me a deep respect for all evulotion in the universe.)

As we saw during the soultravel Antartica has also markers in the ice, we saw a heart in the ice and also letters, and the place the staff was placed was also already marked in the ice.

The energy from Antartica speeks about all living things, and when we went on with the soultravel we saw a lot of souls running, in the direction of the portal, which finnaly was openened. They probably lived in a city beneath the portal, because  we went through many caves under the ice. I think that these souls are the souls who carrie the memories about the history of the earth (there was a timeshift) and who know very much about living on the other planets.

As said: “And Xerthaneus shall guide their souls through this geometric matrix so they may remember and join with other expressions of their creation.”

By activation of this portal we on earth will become more creative and more aware of our multidimensionality. Because in a far history we lived also on others planets, who are homeplaces for us for that reason and pieces of our own being. We experience this when we travel through the universe.

 with love, Adra Ain

sept 2012

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